Primary investigators

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Marco L. Lolli
+39 011 6707180

Synopsis. Prof Marco L. Lolli is an internationally recognized expert in Medicinal Chemistry, specializing in hit-to-led optimization process and designing small molecules preclinical candidates using innovative bioisosteric tools.
Current position. Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry (03/D1 - Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, Tossicologiche e Nutraceutico-Alimentari), Department of Science and Drug Technology, University of Torino (Italy)
Research interests: Broad-spectrum antivirals (SARS-CoV-2 and other CoVs), cancer (Leukemia, Breast and Prostatic cancer), neglected diseases (Malaria, Leishmaniasis, ….) and Neurotransmission (Gaba and Glu).
Education and positions. After a Master’s Degree in Chemistry (University of Milan, IT), he has been trained in prestigious national (Istituto Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri", Bracco Industria Chimica s.p.a, Research and Development Division) and foreigners (College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, (USA), School of Pharmacy - University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison (WI, USA)) laboratories. In February 2022, he also obtained National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Full Professor in Medicinal Chemistry (03/D1, February 1th, 2022 - February 1th, 2031).
Visiting Professor in Eu (Denmark, Sweden, UK, Spain) and no-Eu countries (Bolivia, India, USA).
Responsible for Erasmus agreements: Bradford (UK), Gent (B), Lund (S), Copenhagen (DK), University of San Andreas (UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia) and the Nirma University (Ahmedabad, India).
Principal Investigator (PI) roles. Since 2012, he has held key roles as PI, MedChem Unit Coordinator or Scientific Lead, in 15 competitive projects (IT and European) raising around 4.9 million Euros in research funds. To these funds must be added 1.63 million Euros acquired from the SpinOff Drug Discovery and Clinic s.r.l. (see below) where he holds the role of CEO.
Technological transfer roles. Since 2012, he coFound two Spin Offs as well as had roles in the UniTo technological transfer strategy. In the years 2020 – 2022 , he was been member of the UniTo Patent committee.
·       Cofounder and CEO, Drug Discovery and Clinic (DDC) s.r.l. (2020 - present, whose mission is to lead a new patented dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (hDHODH) inhibitor until human clinical trials for curing Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and COVID-19.
·       Cofounder and CEO, Beenext s.r.l. (2013 - 2022). As innovative glassware, the Arachno project won the Pharmintech 2016 reaching the market in 10 different countries.
Master / PhD teaching/Tutoring skills. Since 1999, he always played his educational roles (Master / PhD level) with great passion. At the present, he is in charge of two Courses (Drug Analysis II and Drug Synthesis and Development Methodologies, this latter at the Chemistry Dept of UniTO) involving almost 90 students and 190 h over two semesters. He became skilled in training young scientist (8 Post-Docs and more 93 Master students). Tutor panel of PhD course in Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences in the PhD School of Natural Sciences and Innovative Technologies at UniTO (7 PhD students, in two occasions inside a Double-Degree PhD UniTO - University of Copenhagen (DK)).
Department role (present)
·       Member of Third Mission DSTF commission (focus on Patent/Tech transfer, communication, metaverse)
·       Member of the DSTF commette: Gruppo di Lavoro AQ per l’accreditamento AVA3 2023.

Bibliometric indicators (July 2024)
Publication in peer-reviewed journals: 68
Papers as first or last author: 25
Papers as corresponding author: 16
Patents: 7
Cover: 1
Citations: 1478
H-index: 25
Oral presentation: 23
Invited speaker: 10
Meeting communication: 103
Scopus ID: 6603475038

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Donatella Boschi

+39 011 6707195

Synopsis. Prof Donatella Boschi is an internationally recognized expert in Medicinal Chemistry, specialized in hit-to-led optimization process and in the design of small molecules preclinical candidates using innovative bioisosteric tools.
Current position. Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry (03/D1 - Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, Tossicologiche e Nutraceutico-Alimentari), Department of Science and Drug Technology, University of Torino (Italy)
Research interests: Broad-spectrum antivirals (SARS-CoV-2 and other CoVs), cancer (Leukemia, Breast and Prostatic cancer) and neglected diseases (Malaria, Leishmaniasis, TBC….).
Education and positions:
-        From 2001  -present Associate Professor, Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin, Italy.
-        2000 - 2001 Medicinal Chemistry Researcher at University of Turin.
-        1998 - 2000 Medicinal Chemistry Researcher at University of Eastern Piedmont.
-        1993 - 1998 Medicinal Chemistry Researcher at University of Turin.
-        June 1993: PhD in Pharmaceutical Science, (EQF level 8), Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin, Italy cycle V
-      July 1993:  MSc in Pharmacy (EQF level 7), Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin, Italy. Final mark: 110/110 summa cum laude.
-        Febrary 1989 MSc in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology (EQF level 7), Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin, Italy. Final mark: 110/110.
Visiting Professor in Turky (Ankara) and no-Eu countries (Bolivia-La Paz, India- Akmenabad).
Responsible for Erasmus agreements: Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, Madrid, Sevilla, Tenerife, Granada, Valencia, Birmingham, Geneve, Lisbon, Tubingen, Dussendorf, Louven, Kritis, University of San Andreas (UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia) and the Nirma University (Ahmedabad, India), Buenos Aires - Argentine, Stellenbosch - South Africa.
Principal Investigator (PI) roles.
2015- 2024 MIUR, 6 project founded by Università di Torino. Role: PI.  
2017-2021 Fondazione CRT. “Nuove armi contro il tumore alla prostata refrattario alle terapie attuali (NACTUS).” Totale Budget: 35 000 EUR. Role: PI.
Since 1997, she was Co-investigator in the MedChem Unit, in 20 competitive projects (IT and European) raising around 5 million Euros in research funds. To these funds must be added 1.63 million Euros acquired from the SpinOff Drug Discovery and Clinic s.r.l. (see below) where she was founder and administrator.
Technological transfer roles. Since 2012, she is Cofounder and Administrator of Drug Discovery and Clinic (DDC) s.r.l. (2020 - present, whose mission is to lead a new patented dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (hDHODH) inhibitor until human clinical trials for curing Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and COVID-19.
Master / PhD teaching/Tutoring skills. Since 1993, she always played her educational roles (Master / PhD level) with great passion. At the present, she is in charge of five Courses (Medicinal Chemistry 1, Advanced Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Synthesis, Laboratory of Advanced Medicinal Chemistry, Scientific Information Sources) involving almost 100 students and 150 h over two semesters. She became skilled in training young scientist (7 Post-Docs and more 90 Master students). Tutor panel of PhD course in Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences in the PhD School of Natural Sciences and Innovative Technologies at UniTO (2 PhD students).
Department role (present)
-      From 2008    International Mobility Coordinator for the Pharmacy Faculty and DSTF.
-      2012-2017    Vice-dean of the Master program titled "Chemistry and Drug Technologies".
Bibliometric indicators (July 2024)
Publication in peer-reviewed journals: 74
Papers as first or last author: 16
Patents: 3
Cover: 1
Citations: 1414
H-index: 24
Oral presentation: 2
Meeting communication: 103
Scopus ID: 6603815780

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Marta Giorgis
+39 011 6707184

Synopsis. Dr. Marta Giorgis has a background in medicinal chemistry and has training and experience in the discovery of new small molecules as potential drugs. Her research deals with the design, characterization and biological applications of new molecules, in particular the study of enzymatic inhibitors in biological tests and the determination of the in vitro ADME profile of new chemical entities.
Current position. Assistant Professor at Department of Drug Science and Technology of University of Torino since May 2008. Academic Discipline: Medicinal Chemistry. (03/CHEM-07 - chimica farmaceutica, tossicologica, nutraceutico-alimentare, delle fermentazioni e dei prodotti per il benessere e per la salute)
Research interests. anticancer agents (Leukemia and prostate cancer), broad-spectrum antivirals, chemotherapy for neglected diseases (Malaria, Leishmaniasis), drug for inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases
Education. PhD in Pharmaceutical Science obtained on 12 January 2007 at the University of Turin cycle XIX. Master Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology awarded on 13 March 2003 at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Turin.
Research projects role.  Member of the Medicinal Chemistry team of the DSTF, she is an expert in biological tests and in the determination of the in vitro ADME profile of new chemical entities. She is involved in several research projects and collaborate with several Italian and European researchers. Over the years she has gained her experience of working with inhibitors of various human and animal enzymes.
Technological transfer role. Since 2020 she is Founder and Board Member of DDC s.r.l. Drug Discovery and Clinic a UniTo Spin-Off with the mission of lead a new patented hDHODH inhibitor until human clinical trials for curing Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and COVID-19. DDC s.r.l. own the properties of three patents associated to the use of DHODH inhibitors as anticancer and antiviral agents.
She is a member of the Italian Chemical Society SCI where she was elected to the Board of Directors of the "Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta" Section for two consecutive terms since 2014
Teaching. Her teaching experience is in the Medicinal Chemistry and Analysis courses at Degree course in Pharmacy and in Herbal Techniques. Until A.A. 2021/2022 she has a module in Graduate School in Hospital Pharmacy. She was relator of 18 master students Master Degree thesis in Medicinal Chemistry and in Herbal Techniques
Valorisation of knowledge. She participated to different initiative of Public Engagement and she is the coordinator of funded SALTO project “Salute senza confini”. The fund was active from 01/04/2024 to 31/12/2025.
Department roles:
-Member of Third Mission DSTF commission (focus on communication and public engagement)
-Member of the DSTF Giunta

Bibliometric indicators (July 2024)
Publication in peer-reviewed journals: 39
Papers as first author: 5
Patents: 4
Citations: 1171

H-index: 23
Oral presentation: 3
Meeting communication: 25